
Showing posts from December, 2021

Music Video CCR

 This is my CCR, please see below. 


The music video is finally finished! Since I already knew how to upload a video to YouTube, it was much easier to upload the music video. I think that this was a turning point in our experience as  far as recording videos goes. My partner and I worked long and hard to get this done. This is very nostalgic for my partner and I because neither of us will be making another music video in this class again. Everything after this film will be much better because this time we actually know what we are doing, kinda. Neither my partner nor I could remember how to embed our music video. Our friend from another group helped us out and we just listened in and copied everything he told us to, we also made him repeat it a couple times. We struggled trying to get it into the blog but we were finally able to do it with some help. My partner and I are very glad to have this over with and excited to see what the new project will be. 

Production Blog; Editing in Class

 Today, Nicole and I edited our music video! Since I brought my laptop to school today, we decided we were going to just edit everything on my computer. I tried to email all of the clips from my phone to my laptop. Since they were videos and a good couple seconds long it wouldn't let me email them. I tried to connect my phone to my computer so I could upload everything from there but since my computer is such an old generation it wasn't working the way I wanted. I decided to just edit everything on my phone since I had the same app that was on my computer. I uploaded all of the videos into the app and used Nicole's phone to look at the storyboard so I could put everything in order. Once everything was in order, we tried to figure out how to add the music without purchasing it since that would cost money. It wouldn't cost a lot of money but my partner and I both wanted to not spend any money. Since the app on my phone was not working for us to edit, we consulted on of ou

Production Blog; Filming Again

 Today Nicole and I filmed the rest of our scenes. After school, my mom picked up Nicole and I from the front so she could drive us around. After she picked us up, we discussed what we would be doing. Even though I talked to my mom about it beforehand she wanted more detail. I told her that Nicole and I needed to film some scenes in the car, in the house, and at an ice cream place. My mom took us straight to Menchies where we recorded the scene and talked for a while. Nicole has never had frozen yogurt before so I was excited to take her for the first time. After Menchies, there was a family emergency so my mom drove us to where we needed to go. While Nicole and I were waiting in the car, we decided that this would be a good time to film out scenes. Nicole and I filmed the scene with a couple bloopers but still made it through. My mom took Nicole and I out to eat and then took us back to my house, or her house I guess. Nicole and I ate our food and decided to start filming our scenes.

Production Blog; Filming on a Saturday

 This morning, my mom took me to Nicole's house. I had to wake up very early to be there early because I had to be at work at 1. It was a very long and stressful day but we had to get it done. I got to Nicole's house at around 10:30. Nicole changed into her outfit and we began talking about which scenes we would do first. Since I took the role as the "boyfriend" in the video, I had to bring an extra change of clothes so Nicole and I decided to film those scenes first that included the "boyfriend".  Everything was shot on my iPhone and I still have every scene, even the bloopers. My partner and I have to go through them together when I see her again to pick out the ones that are going to be used. After shooting the "boyfriend" scenes the only outfit change I did was take off the hoodie I had. Most scenes were shot from the waist up so it was unnecessary to change the entire outfit. For most of the scenes they were all shot in my partner's backya

Production Blog; Talking Besties

 Today my partner and I talked about when and where we were going to meet up to shoot our music video. Since we both have jobs we had to coordinate around our schedules to be able to see each other. I work all weekend but my partner does not so we are going to meet up before I have to go to work. My partner and I will try to shoot as much as we can, out goal is about 6-7 scenes or hopefully all. We are not aiming to do all the scenes so we had to plan another day to shoot. Since all of our blogs are due on the 10th of December and that is the next day I have off, we have to shoot during the week. The plan is so leave from school and go straight to my house. Most of places we need to go to are by my house which makes it more convenient. We are going to shoot the remaining scenes at my house / in my room and plan to finish everything that day. Neither my partner nor I have a car so we have to rely on our parents to drive us places so not everything may go as planned like we wanted but we