A New Group
It's a new year and we have a new group! This year my group consists of Nicole Tarantino and Pedro Ribeiro. Last we worked together but we had another team member. That member was Damaine, and he is not working with us this year because he is taking all of his classes at BC this year. Nicole and I still both have jobs, working at the same places. Pedro still does not have a job but he does have a car! Nicole also has a car, but I do not. So we now have two modes of transportation when last year we only had one and that was Damaine. We are very excited to work with each other again because we worked very well together last year and wanted to do that again. We will be making this class our priority because Pedro needs this class to get his AICE diploma and we are all rooting for him. We don't know what we want to do for our new movie yet but we plan on spending a lot of time working on it and thinking about it. A problem we may come across is that Nicole and I are taking SAT prep courses. These prep classes are only once a week which should not be a problem but does also include homework. My team and I talked everything out and said we are determined to make everything work out. We plan to make this the best film ever. During class time on Friday we were thinking about how our intro sequence would go and how it would run through. We threw around some ideas but didn't set anything in stone. We plan on meeting up and talking about everything when we have a chance which will probably be next class time. We may have some problems with our schedules all together, but we have enough time to work everything out. Even though Nicole and I noticed some problems that the boys had with their last projects, we both stated that doing things last minute and not responding to the group chat messages wouldn't fly this time because this is such a large portion of our grade. The boys agreed and said everything would be fine and we have nothing to worry about. Fingers crossed that they are telling the truth.
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