Let's Talk

As seen in the last blog, you know that my team and I were unable to film. We were unable to film because Pedro didn't feel well so we just cancelled the entire day. Since we cancelled everything there wasn't much for us to do so we waiting until we got back to school. Today we were able to meet back up in class to talk about what we needed to do. In class we talked about why we cancelled since Pedro didn't tell me why and what we did during that day. Since we have a long period we took a break in between to do other things. Once we realized the time, we decided to talk about the upcoming plans for our film. The part that takes us the most to come up with is the date. Since Nicole and I have jobs we have to coordinate our schedule, especially our weekend schedule since we are usually jam-packed. I don't know much about Pedro's schedule since we don't talk much outside of school. We know for sure Pedro doesn't have a job so he shouldn't have a problem with scheduling anything. Once we picked a date we had to pick a time. Pedro is not an early morning person and frankly neither am I, only Nicole is. We agreed to meet around 12 again since that's just an easy in-between and gives us enough time to film a couple things and have some breaks in-between. After discussing the times, we talked about what scenes we were going to film. We didn't really set a definite plan for what we wanted to do but we figured that we just figure that out when we met up to film. I reminded everyone, that any other scenes we planned on filming we would need to be wearing the same clothes from last time. I told them that they needed to bring those plus possibly some other clothes in case. Nicole then showed us what we wore so we could bring the exact same thing, and we had time in case we needed to wash anything. The bell rang and we left for our other classes. 
