Mistakes Happen
Unfortunately, we were unable to film. My team and I made plans to film some more of our film and we were unable to go through with it. Pedro has recently started a new medication and he wasn't taking well to it. He did not tell the group-chat, he only told Nicole and she texted in the group-chat asking if we could reschedule. To this Pedro agreed and I did as well because I was not up to filming either. When I found out the reason I did not question Pedro as to why he did not just say he was feeling good and I just let it be. I found it weird that he wouldn't just tell us both that he wasn't feeling well but it doesn't matter to me, I was just happy to not have to get out of bed so early. I would have had to get up early because Nicole was having work done in her backyard so we wouldn't be able to film for the time we needed. It was better for all of us since Pedro wasn't feeling well and neither Nicole or I felt like filming. Since we did not film this day, I decided to just hang out with my family. I didn't have work that day because I was prepared to film but it wasn't a problem for me. School, work, and filming has been a little overwhelming so to just have a day to myself was really nice. My team and I texted back and forth to see what other day we would film and we did not come up with a certain date. At some point it was only Nicole and I texting with little input from Pedro. A set date was not set, but we said that we could come back to it later and discuss, possibly in class. After Nicole and I made a plan to just discuss what we would do next in class, we did not talk about filming for the rest of the day. The group chat was quiet for the most part since Pedro didn't respond to anything so Nicole and I texted separately about things not involving the class. Since I was prioritizing my mental health for the most part I chose not to stress myself out about filming since Nicole and I do the most part for this class. Today was just a day of rest. I was thankful for this.
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