Gotta Film Again

 In the previous blog we talked about how we watched our film and needed to film again. When we talked we also decided on the date we wanted to refilm everything. We decided to film yesterday since we were all free and our schedules are usually really busy, well Nicole and I. We filmed after school at Nicole's house so I drove with her and Pedro followed behind us. When we got to Nicole's house we ate some snacks since we were hungry and went over what we planned on doing. What we realized was that we didn't like a lot of the park scenes. A lot of them had bad lighting, shaky camera shots, and the audio would cut in and out. The park scenes were usually the ones we rushed because it was so hot outside but we took our time since we needed to perfect it. Many things we had to keep reshooting because no one could stay serious. Others were because we couldn’t remember lines, and other were because of lighting or audio issues. After hoping we had everything correct we went back to the house. Since no one had anything else to do we stayed at Nicole’s for a while just to chill. We all love being in her house since it’s so nice. Pedro likes being there because he gets to be in another Brazilian household since they’re both Brazilian. After a while we decided to look back at what we shot earlier. We were all happy with how it turned out and we each agreed that we were done filming. After confirming that it was all good, we stayed and chilled at Nicole’s house. We watched some movies, played some games, and talked about school and life. We realized it was getting kind of late and decided it was time to go home. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. 


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