Revision Time
We have finally finished filming. You know what that means. Revision and editing time. After we finished filming, a couple days after we talked about wanting to see it all together. Since Nicole had all of the shots in her phone she smashed them all together. We decided it would be best to not edit anything so we could see it all together and what scenes we needed to refilm. So with what we talked about Nicole edited the scenes where we shot the entire scene at once. To explain, when we had to go bac and forth when we were in Nicole's backyard, instead of going back and forth Pedro suggested just filming all of my scenes in one and all of their scenes in another. With that, Nicole only edited those parts and put them together to make the rough draft of the film. Since we decided this over the weekend we had to wait to see Nicole in school rather than her just sending it to us in our group chat. When we were in class we settled down for a little and then talked about the film. Nicole told us how she did it and she played it. While watching it we all cringed a little because seeing us act is not pretty thing. We took down some physical and mental notes of what we needed to fix as we watched it. Once we finished, we talked about what we liked and didn't like about the film. We realized that we needed to reshoot a couple thing due to lighting and sound. We talked about which scenes needed to be done again and when we could meet up to do it. We were all free Wednesday so we picked that day after school to refilm.
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