The Finale

 In class, we finished editing our project. We had Pedro bring in his computer again since Nicole's and I don't have working ones. Since we didn't do the title sequence last class we had to do it this time. We didn't fully remember how it should be done so we had to look at our film we did last year and what notes Nicole and I took in the beginning of the year. We struggled trying to make the title sequence because we kept going back and forth between fonts and how we wanted everything to look. It wasn't our best moment. When we can't agree on some things it gets pretty ugly. Once we got that finished with Nicole sent the other half of the film to Pedro. We knew we needed to send it to his email this time since sending it through texts didn't work last time. He got all of the scenes and we did the same thing as last time. We edited out any elongated parts where the person filming didn't stop in time. After that, we added everything else and repeated the process. Once we had everything together we looked into adding some transitions so things would flow smoother. We couldn't add many because of the time, but we could add some. We mostly added them in places where the ending was awkward and needed to flow into the next  one. Once, we added what we wanted we watched the film over. With everything added and some taken away we were a couple seconds over time. We looked over the scenes and saw that we could cut off a little more of some of the endings so we did that. After that was done, we were finally done with our project. We were so excited to finish. 
