Our product represents social groups by bringing awareness to what drugs can do to a person and how things can come back around to hurt you in the long run. Our project engages audiences with the plot and how we filmed said project. There are many elements that bring together a sense of branding. In our production process we used a couple of different branding techniques such as brand name, brand messaging, brand imagery, brand experience, and brand personality. When thinking of our brand name we were also thinking about the name of our film and we were very stumped on this for a long time. We ended up coming with the name June Bug because that’s the nickname of the main character. This essentially became the entire brand since it revolved so much around the film. With the brand experience we didn’t really intend to make this such a large part of the filming process but it became one. So the audience was able to know how much we put into this film. My partner added our bloopers on our website to show that it’s not always straight faces and getting down to business 24/7. Sometimes, if not all the time, there are times we mess up and can’t do anything but laugh, which is what we did. I think that brand personality and brand experience go hand in hand together especially when we talk about bloopers and the fact that our film was considered a film. Our project engages audiences with the plot and how we filmed said project. Once viewers read background information on the movie and see what we have made, we believe that the film is so interesting,  that only seeing bits and pieces of it in a preview will engage audiences enough to bring them in to watch it. We would distribute our film through film festivals and youtube. When using conventions, you are representing the characters, topics, and events used in the film. How my partners and I used our conventions was by advertising our film by making a postcard. The postcard consisted of a picture of my partners on the front, the name of our film, the actors names, and the email where viewers would be able to contact us. On the back of the postcard we had the date of the movie release, time, and location. On the back we also had all of our social media handles listed where viewers could see updates on the film. Our product represents social groups by bringing awareness to what drugs can do to a person and how things can come back around to hurt you in the long run. Our research helped with this because research plays a critical role informing product development by providing insights and knowledge that can challenge conventions, drive innovation, and create products that better meet user needs, address social issues, and incorporate new technologies or design principles. When making this package my team and I thought about what information audiences would want to know or see before they watched the film so they could get a short overview before taking the time out of their day to watch the film. We brainstormed and wrote down everything we thought was important and what we would want to see about a film before watching it. We added this information on both the website and postcard but mainly the website since it is a larger platform that can hold information. The postcard had the website‘s URL on it so if people were seeing the postcard it would take them to the website where they could see more information. When conducting research, we had to look up how to do many things when it came to designs since we aren’t very technically savvy. We looked at different websites that have been made and took notes on those to possibly use with our own website and we researched how to add certain things to our website that we wanted but could not figure out how to add. Research is very important because it generates knowledge, drives innovation, informs decision making, promotes personal and professional growth, and contributes to social and cultural development. It plays a crucial role in advancing human knowledge, solving problems, and shaping the world we live in. 
